Kinder Joy!

March 1, 2009


Boy and his Kinder Joy. Lol. He got so excited. So cute so cute.

Kinder Joy

Kinder Joy1

Look how happy he was. Lols
Kinder Joy2

Kinder Joy 4

Kinder Joy6

Kinder Joy7

Fixing the toy. So engrossed huh. If only he’s like that when he’s preparing presents for me. yada yadaKinder Joy8

The suprise within. lols. the shark that opens and closes it jaws when you roll it.
Kinder Joy9

Hoho, gonna buy more for him next week :D

Ps: )))): Took videos of boy playing with his new shark. But i have no idea how to upload it !#$%^ Whatsup with wordpress. How can videos be in jpg, jpeg, png, gif, pdf, doc, ppt, odt ??????? Urgh. Aren’t those supposed to be for images?

Hello world!

June 24, 2008

Im loving my new blog already (:

Tried out livejournal, but ended up using wordpress due to the irritating advertisements in livejournal. Gods, had no idea how to remove them, its such a pissed off. Besides, wordpress offers password protected posts =D thats excatly what i need, sometimes.

Gonna fill this blog with my thoughts.. like finally.. a space of my own.

Till then, Ciao (: