
September 21, 2008

 My hormones are killing me. I feel so URGH. The oh so wonderful monthly visit came yesterday, like finally? So it marks the end of my sickening tempers? No. It continues, and darling’s at the blunt end because of my idiotic moodswings. You deserve a tight slap Geraldine. The cramps deserved to be slapped too.

Anyhow, work’s quite alright i guess. With Hendi aka YongLiang (someone who says hundreds and thousands Hi a day) transfered over to my department, its not so boring in the boring place.

Hmmm, recieved something interesting in the company’s inbox. Some Alice person, sent a mail to the whole department.

From: Alice
To: Wholesales
Subject: Good afternoon !
Good afternoon! Look at my photo, clal me and fuck me: (URL)

Interesting. Lol.

Oh oh!! UNCLE FI FI ! Look !! Look !!!



August 11, 2008

Guilt. Having times where I think that you’re not treating me as nice as you should. Complaints after complaints. Venting my anger on you before the nasty monthly visits.

When all these anger subsides and i think about it again, i ought to be ashamed. So many little sweet acts of yours that i’ve missed. So many of them….

A few of the many..

Yesterday, i forgot that you were sick and i got all pissy about you being late because of the rain. Sighs. The cake you bought for me, after i gave you the total-bitch-attitude on the phone and hung up on you.

The lunch you prepared while i slack in the room doing nothing lastlast sunday =x

Sandwich you prepared for me after my lesson on last Friday x)

I know i can’t promise that the stupid attitudes won’t surface again, but i’m truely sorry and you made me feel really touched.

Thank you so so much (:



July 18, 2008

Another Saturday at home. Although I’m still bitter about NDP for stealing you away, its ok. I’m still very proud of you (:

And thanks to the monthly visit, i had to cancel my swimming with Daniel. Urgh. So here i am, rotting my saturday away. Not excatly, since daddy had been hinting alot about how much he adores my ButterCake for the pass few days, i decided to baked today :D

Made a few changes to the recipe as well. Added less flour and more eggs *sugguestions from grandma* hoping that the cake will not turn out as dry as the previous ones. And it worked, perfectly. :D

A few of Daniel & My masterpieces x)