
July 30, 2008

Was complaining to mummy over dinner about how BLah i felt about the 25% SpInTm test, and the weightage for the main exam’s 30%. It’s like I have two main papers to take.

Though, I still think having exam’s a good thing. If not, i’ll doubt i’ll have any idea how the lecture notes look like. Has.

So i’ve covered all the chapters and yet it still feel as if i’ve not done enough. Did you all ever feel that way? The feeling you had  when you flip back to the pass few chapters, and, they seem like a stranger to you. Man that sucks.

Anyway, its ok, i’ll be waking up at 6am tomorrow to look through again….

Oh yeah, another little thing to share. Daddy got all excited yesterday, saying

Dad: “I’ve got something for you all to play!!!”
Me: “What is it!!”
Dad: *Silence* with a smug look on his face.

He sat on the floor, and started preparing the “toy”

Dad believed that the mouse-look-alike puppet was supposed to listen to his commands. But obviously -.-, it did not.

And he was like
“Hey!!! That stupid uncle scam my money!”

Lol, ain’t he sweet, and he was so excited.

I love my dad x)

Ps: 2 more days to the realease of “Break Dawn” !!!


July 26, 2008

Mummy kept my Thumbdrive in Daniel’s Toy Box. Fancy that!


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July 24, 2008

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July 24, 2008

Mummy encouraged me to skip lecture to have breakfast with her. Lol

And since she had to go back to her shop in the afternoon, i’ve got nothing much to do at home alone.
decided to bake, again! Bought a new muffin baking tray (:

Classic CupCake

Classic CupCake


i NEED a sentosa trip.


July 22, 2008

One post dedicated to my Noobies!!

Have been see-ing you girls around so much in school lately! And it made me realised how much i miss my noobs ):

Gonna have an outing before end of the semester and after!!

I’m SOOOOOO looking forward to it !

Ps: i still don’t get the, “I’m SO going to swensens ” advertisement -.-


July 22, 2008

Was craving for some wine, and so i asked if you could get it for me~

“k ba (: For my darling. Hugs”

You’re definately the sweetest x)

And you say it’s difficult to please me. Not at all isn’t it =P


July 21, 2008

The worst mistake someone can ever make, is to fall in love with two.

Theres actually someone whoes as selfish as i am. Just that she isn’t excatly real….. So relatively speaking, i wasn’t the only one who understood how it felt i guess..

“When i left, i left you bleeding. He was the one who stitch you back up again.”

If it wasn’t for you, i’d never imagine what would become of me. I was selfish and i dragged you in. You know that i’ll hurt you in the end, and yet you stayed. The guilt is overwhelming.

Im so sorry.

I hope you’ll find that someone whom you deserve to have. Geez, that would really help ease my guilt……


July 20, 2008

Wow wee, feels awfully weird to be home at this time. SpInTm ended at around 2:50pm and I thought its was already 5.30pm or so. And i called mummy to ask her if she wants to meet up for dinner NOW and she was like WTH? ? Lols.  

I have to move my lazyass to study for tomorrow’s Events test. NOW. Will be back at night, thats if i have anything else to say x)

Its raining. I love the smell of the  breeze when it rains (:


July 18, 2008

Another Saturday at home. Although I’m still bitter about NDP for stealing you away, its ok. I’m still very proud of you (:

And thanks to the monthly visit, i had to cancel my swimming with Daniel. Urgh. So here i am, rotting my saturday away. Not excatly, since daddy had been hinting alot about how much he adores my ButterCake for the pass few days, i decided to baked today :D

Made a few changes to the recipe as well. Added less flour and more eggs *sugguestions from grandma* hoping that the cake will not turn out as dry as the previous ones. And it worked, perfectly. :D

A few of Daniel & My masterpieces x)

Hip Hip

July 18, 2008

Been feeling so lethargic lately, where have my enthusiasm gone to. I have to restrain myself from thinking too much. About what? Everything. Since people around me have been telling me the same thing over and over again. “You think too much.”

Now that I tried so hard to keep my mind blank, i feel so… stoned? It isn’t helping and I don’t feel any better.

Im still alive though. Haven been doing much, just lots of reading. Thanks to ron who introduced me a new series of book by Stephenie Meyer. Wasn’t a fan of romance novel, but suprisingly, im so into it. Placed those gory books away for the time being and overwhelm myself with Love.

And recently, this friend came back. Sighs. I’ll never learn my lesson. Why do I even give weight to his words again. Stupidity.

But thank goodness I have you by my side, you’ve been the sweetest. Yo have no idea how much those little sms u’ve send me brightens my mood. (:

I know this post isn’t organised, or maybe it doesn’t even make sense. Lol, oh well, that is how my brain’s functioning now. Filled with thoughts, but they’re so not organised.

The book’s calling out to me. I can’t resist x)