Mixed Berry Yoghurt

March 1, 2009

Whooo~ I’ve been a very good girl today :D  Helped Dad, Mum and boy look for loads of music videos.

I baked and i like what i baked x)

Mix berry yoghurt cupcakes. Love it.

Mixed Berry Yoghurt Cupcake

Mixed Berry Yoghurt Cupcake1

Mixed Berry Yoghurt Cupcake2


July 24, 2008

Mummy encouraged me to skip lecture to have breakfast with her. Lol

And since she had to go back to her shop in the afternoon, i’ve got nothing much to do at home alone.
decided to bake, again! Bought a new muffin baking tray (:

Classic CupCake

Classic CupCake


i NEED a sentosa trip.


July 18, 2008

Another Saturday at home. Although I’m still bitter about NDP for stealing you away, its ok. I’m still very proud of you (:

And thanks to the monthly visit, i had to cancel my swimming with Daniel. Urgh. So here i am, rotting my saturday away. Not excatly, since daddy had been hinting alot about how much he adores my ButterCake for the pass few days, i decided to baked today :D

Made a few changes to the recipe as well. Added less flour and more eggs *sugguestions from grandma* hoping that the cake will not turn out as dry as the previous ones. And it worked, perfectly. :D

A few of Daniel & My masterpieces x)